About The Natural Child Collaborative

About The Natural Child Collaborative

Updated 2011 May - South Shore MA

This collaboration of parents and local organizations will help families create connections with others through shared values around the environment, health, and creating community. This is a volunteer-based partnership to connect families with local resources and support. Please let us know if you would like to be listed or help sponsor us! For more information contact Jessica at NaturalChildCollaborative@gmail.com or visit: www.facebook.com/TheNaturalChildCollaborative

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

2009 Natural Child Collaborative: An Introduction

This summer the Natural Child Collaborative will host the Plymouth Farmers' Market on the first Thursday of the month from 2:30 – 6:30 at Stephen’s Field in Plymouth, MA. The Natural Child Collaboration is a partnership of local parents & organizations supporting our children, naturally!


Each month the Natural Child Collaborative will have representatives from local organizations that celebrate natural family living, such as La Leche League, BirthYear Network, and the Holistic Moms Network. We will offer babywearing demonstration, vendors will sell handcrafted items for children and families, and there will be activities for young children. Please come and join us at the Plymouth Farmers' Market this summer!

The Natural Child Collaborative is looking for:

Local vendors that sell handcrafted items for children and families. Local nonprofit organizations that provide information and support for families. Sponsors to help us create a family friendly space at the Plymouth Farmers' Market.


  1. Jessica C.July 02, 2009

    It was great to see you today, I really appreciated the information that was available on the hand out. Hopefully this Saturday will provide some sunshine!

  2. Jessica C. Glad you stopped by! I'm sorry we got rained out this week.
